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Nobody Wins The Rob Ford Browser Game -- Or Maybe Everybody Does

The downfalls of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford are many, but the guy does inspire some pretty great video games.

Fans of the four-star-rated Android mobile game "Stay Mayor" will enjoy the latest Ford video game, "Crackathon." (Apparently there's no shortage of people who want to gamify the antics of everyone's favorite political party animal.)

According to Toronto's Blog TO, the game, which can be played straight from your browser, has users jumping on policemen and paparazzi alike. Players must collect alcohol, marijuana and clouds of cocaine while running through a "Mario"-like game set against the background of Toronto's skyline.

rob ford the game
Nice design, eh?

And just like in real life, as the party level goes up, public opinion goes way down, meaning all your games end with this very sad-faced Ford:

rob ford the game
That's one sad Rob.

Best of luck, gamers -- although we're pretty sure there are no winners in the game Ford's playing.

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