Who knew so much happiness could be held inside a manilla envelope?
This sweet short film, titled "Seeds," follows a young man on his way to visit his mother in India, and tells a moving story about love, family and an unexpected, but joyous, surprise.
Director Aneesh Chaganty shot the fictional video using Google Glass in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Tokyo and India, according to Mashable.
You'll have to watch all the way till the end to find out the surprise, but our hearts melted!
h/t GodVine
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This sweet short film, titled "Seeds," follows a young man on his way to visit his mother in India, and tells a moving story about love, family and an unexpected, but joyous, surprise.
Director Aneesh Chaganty shot the fictional video using Google Glass in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Tokyo and India, according to Mashable.
You'll have to watch all the way till the end to find out the surprise, but our hearts melted!
h/t GodVine