"We live in a society that says to girls 'Don't play too hard, don't build, don't create." - Reshma Saujani
Reshma Saujani didn't listen to society back then and her stellar career is proof of what happens when you block out the naysayers and continue to move forward. A graduate of Yale Law School, the Harvard Kennedy School and University of Illinois, Saujauni's efforts to champion women is both impressive and inspiring. "We need to start a girl's club, and start uplifting each other," Saujani is looking to women to proactively empower each other.
Saujani is already doing her part as the founder of Girls Who Code, an organization that encourages girls to pursue a career in the computer science fields. Her hope is to increasingly fill future positions with hard working, determined and talented women, with the ultimate goal is to fill the widening gender parity gap in the very much male-dominated tech space.
AOL supports Saujani's initiative and has partnered with Girls Who Code on a #BuiltByGirls summer program. Five graduates of the GWC program have taken over Cambio and are mentored through the creation of their own product as AOL interns.
Saujani is a self-proclaimed "Feminist with a capital F" and while she asks "Where are the women?," she definitely knows where they should be: EVERYWHERE.
A go-getter, Saujani is tenacious (from her early days as a lawyer turned politician) and bullish, she recognizes that her greatest moments of opportunity have stemmed from personal failures. She encourages the audience to "Get back up and dust yourself off"--a mantra she uses in both her career and life.
Check out the BUILD segment below to hear more about how we can achieve it all.
Watch the MAKERS segment as part of #AOLBuild: Reshma Saujani, Founder, Girls Who Code.