The Delta Aquarid meteor shower tends to be a relatively minor skywatching event, but this year it could prove to be a surprisingly major one -- thanks to a well-timed moon cycle.
The new moon will help darken the skies, granting skywatchers a more favorable view of the 2014 shower.
Also known as the Southern Delta Aquarids, the meteor shower takes place each July or August, with peak activity falling on a particular day or two. This year the peak will fall on July 28 and July 29. Weather permitting, skywatchers will be able to catch the show overnight Monday into the pre-dawn hours, or on Tuesday evening.
While the Delta Aquarids is no Perseid meteor shower -- one of the most spectacular shows -- the shower this year should offer up 15 to 20 meteors per hour during its peak.
Skywatchers are encouraged to find a dark location outside, away from city lights, in order to see the show. Those in the Southern Hemisphere are expected to have the best view.
Head over to Slooh's channel on YouTube to see the show, starting at 10 p.m. EDT on July 28, or watch NASA's live stream of the Delta Aquarid meteor shower, above, beginning at 9:30 p.m. EDT on July 29.
The new moon will help darken the skies, granting skywatchers a more favorable view of the 2014 shower.
Also known as the Southern Delta Aquarids, the meteor shower takes place each July or August, with peak activity falling on a particular day or two. This year the peak will fall on July 28 and July 29. Weather permitting, skywatchers will be able to catch the show overnight Monday into the pre-dawn hours, or on Tuesday evening.
While the Delta Aquarids is no Perseid meteor shower -- one of the most spectacular shows -- the shower this year should offer up 15 to 20 meteors per hour during its peak.
Skywatchers are encouraged to find a dark location outside, away from city lights, in order to see the show. Those in the Southern Hemisphere are expected to have the best view.
Head over to Slooh's channel on YouTube to see the show, starting at 10 p.m. EDT on July 28, or watch NASA's live stream of the Delta Aquarid meteor shower, above, beginning at 9:30 p.m. EDT on July 29.