Ready for today's eye roll-inspiring news? Because apparently people like this still exist.
Last week the Chicago White Sox announced that the sporting organization would begin sponsoring a night called "LGBT Pride Night: Out at the Sox," in celebration and support of the queer community. According to the organization's Facebook post, the night is in partnership with Equality Illinois and will take place on Aug. 16 when the White Sox take on the Blue Jays.
This move, predictably, brought out the bigots who are once again here to remind us how backwards some people in America still are when it comes to issues of power and privilege.
"When is the Straight Pride night going to be? If it's all about equality then let's make it across the board," one insightful individual mused on the Facebook page, and the comment received a whopping 112 likes.
"When is white male night? Do we really need an event for every belief and ethnicity?" another individual questioned, apparently unaware that every night throughout The United States' history has essentially been a celebration of "white men."
The comments continued to get worse, but there do seem to be a few voices of reason among the White Sox's Facebook following, like this one:
Regardless of the backlash (or, perhaps because of it), we'd like to offer our thanks to the Chicago White Sox for supporting LGBT individuals and standing on the right side of history.
Check out the flyer below for more information about "LGBT Pride Night: Out at the Sox."
Last week the Chicago White Sox announced that the sporting organization would begin sponsoring a night called "LGBT Pride Night: Out at the Sox," in celebration and support of the queer community. According to the organization's Facebook post, the night is in partnership with Equality Illinois and will take place on Aug. 16 when the White Sox take on the Blue Jays.
This move, predictably, brought out the bigots who are once again here to remind us how backwards some people in America still are when it comes to issues of power and privilege.
"When is the Straight Pride night going to be? If it's all about equality then let's make it across the board," one insightful individual mused on the Facebook page, and the comment received a whopping 112 likes.
"When is white male night? Do we really need an event for every belief and ethnicity?" another individual questioned, apparently unaware that every night throughout The United States' history has essentially been a celebration of "white men."
The comments continued to get worse, but there do seem to be a few voices of reason among the White Sox's Facebook following, like this one:
Hey, look... it's a bunch of people whining because a baseball team is holding a night for people who aren't liked by an ignorant section of a religion. I don't see any whining about Jewish Heritage Nights, or Latino Heritage Nights, etc. Why should this be any different?
And to those "Where is straight pride night" people... come back to me when you can point out a time when straight people were persecuted and alienated because of their orientation. I'll give you a hint and save you time: IT'S NEVER HAPPENED. EVER.
You jerks are an absolute disgrace to humanity.
Regardless of the backlash (or, perhaps because of it), we'd like to offer our thanks to the Chicago White Sox for supporting LGBT individuals and standing on the right side of history.
Check out the flyer below for more information about "LGBT Pride Night: Out at the Sox."