#Hashtags are a simple programming language that the Internet and the human brain both can use.
#HashtagsWork because they are simple and intuitive.
#SoWeAddaBunchofHashtags to the ends of our Tweets
#SoOurFollowersDon'tEvenHaveToRead our sentence to interact
#ReleasingUs from the daunting task of having to use an entire 140 characters #ToExpressWhatWeAreTryingToSay
#ThusFreeingUs from having to effectively write a coherent thought #NowWeCanJustPutTheGistAtTheEnd
#InAsManyDifferentForms as we can think of
#To Its Lowest Common Denominator
#ByLookingAtThese #HundredsOfHashtagsAtOnce
With Instagram, instead of letting the
(which has become too #nuanced for the #people who are #observing hundreds of #images each and every #day),
#WeMustUseHashtags so we don't even have to think about what we are #seeing.
If #SalvadorDaliWasOfThis #SocialMediaGenerationAndUsedInstagram #WhatHashtagsWouldHeUse?
It wouldn't be #TheSubconsciousLivesOutsideTime
#No. No one would #StopToReadThatHashtag or
Because it is too #nuanced.
Instead, Dali would use #TrippingBalls! Because that would get #people's
#attention. That would be
#SomethingTheyCouldUnderstandByLookingAtForNoMoreThanA #microsecond.
And so, we are left with the uneasy probability that Hashtag culture
is in #danger of
#TrainingUsNotToUnderstandAnything unless it is
#BrokenDownIntoThisMinimalWay of
#Communicating Like The
#HashtagsWork because they are simple and intuitive.
#SoWeAddaBunchofHashtags to the ends of our Tweets
#SoOurFollowersDon'tEvenHaveToRead our sentence to interact
#ReleasingUs from the daunting task of having to use an entire 140 characters #ToExpressWhatWeAreTryingToSay
#ThusFreeingUs from having to effectively write a coherent thought #NowWeCanJustPutTheGistAtTheEnd
#InAsManyDifferentForms as we can think of
#To Its Lowest Common Denominator
#ByLookingAtThese #HundredsOfHashtagsAtOnce
With Instagram, instead of letting the
(which has become too #nuanced for the #people who are #observing hundreds of #images each and every #day),
#WeMustUseHashtags so we don't even have to think about what we are #seeing.
If #SalvadorDaliWasOfThis #SocialMediaGenerationAndUsedInstagram #WhatHashtagsWouldHeUse?
It wouldn't be #TheSubconsciousLivesOutsideTime
#No. No one would #StopToReadThatHashtag or
Because it is too #nuanced.
Instead, Dali would use #TrippingBalls! Because that would get #people's
#attention. That would be
#SomethingTheyCouldUnderstandByLookingAtForNoMoreThanA #microsecond.
And so, we are left with the uneasy probability that Hashtag culture
is in #danger of
#TrainingUsNotToUnderstandAnything unless it is
#BrokenDownIntoThisMinimalWay of
#Communicating Like The