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15 Instagram Accounts To Follow If You Want To Be Jealous Of Aussies

Life is better in Australia. It just is. And if you want to be reminded of that little fact on a daily basis, it's as easy as following these Instagram accounts.

Whether your planning a trip to Oz and need some inspiration, or just like look at stunning photos of some of Earth's most incredible places, having these accounts on your Instagram feed is a must.

1. Lauren Bath (@laurenepbath)

2. Pauly Vella (@paulyvella)

3. Elisa Detrez (@elisaparkranger)

4. Tourism Australia (@australia)

5. Matt Glastonbury (@mattglastonbury)

6. Aqua Bumps (@aquabumps)

7. Stephen Bak (@somuchfortheafterglow)

8. Paul Fleming (@lovethywalrus)

9. Nick Henderson (@njhenderson)

10. Visit Gold Coast (@visitgoldcoast)

11. Nicole Warne (@garypepper)

12. Will Patino (@william_patino)

13. Visit Melbourne (@visitmelbourne)

14. Russell Ward (@russellvjward)

And one for the all the foodies out there...

15. Australian Gourmet Traveller

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