Which Company Won't Let People in Iran Start Email Accounts?
Should where people live determine if they get access to email? According to Yahoo!, the answer is yes. Yahoo! has decided not to allow people in Iran to create new email accounts simply because of...
View ArticleKevin Spacey Joins 'Call Of Duty' As Voice Of Villain
Kevin Spacey's next big role is exactly what we'd expect from video game-loving Frank Underwood. The "House of Cards" star will lend his voice to the video game "Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare." A...
View ArticleIntel's 3-Tier Pyramid For Delivering Progressive IT Value
The question of IT leadership is fraught with challenge. In a world where IT's relationship to the business is being called into question, the CIO has a special responsibility to drive a...
View ArticleWATCH: Mind-Blowing Images Show What's Right In Front Of You Each Day... But...
Life goes by too fast. Or is it actually too slow? Filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg uses time-lapse technology to show us unseen dimensions of life as we know it, from ocean currents to dragonfly wings....
View ArticleHidden Wonders: What Nature Teaches Us About Ourselves
Click here to watch the TEDTalk that inspired this post. Few among us do not find awe and wonder in nature's magnificence and complexity. But in spite of that commonality among folks from all walks of...
View ArticleWhy Ignoring the NIST Framework Could Cost You
Co-authored by Andrew Proia Last week, the much anticipated (at least in the, let's face it, relatively small and quirky circles that pay attention to this stuff) NETmundial meeting on the future of...
View ArticleKevin Spacey + Explosions = This New 'Call Of Duty' Trailer
Activision has released the trailer for the latest installment in the "Call of Duty" franchise a few days earlier than expected. The trailer for "Advanced Warfare," which features Kevin Spacey as the...
View ArticleRandi Zuckerberg: The Art of Following Your Heart & Dreams
For so many young children, appearing in a Broadway play is a dream; a fantasy that will perhaps motivate them, but likely never come true. Randi Zuckerberg is no exception. "If you had asked me at...
View ArticleRiFF RaFF's 'Instagram' Video Showcases The Worst Of Instagram
Riff Raff's new video for "Instagram" gives actual Instagram users exactly what they apparently want: selfies, dogs, food, beaches, duck lips and barely dressed women. Pick your poison! RiFF RaFF's new...
View ArticleTech Startups May Be The Last Line Of Defense For Net Neutrality
How do tiny startups battle billion-dollar telecom companies with deep-pocketed lobbying power? They marshal the power of the Internet. Two years ago, a coalition of Internet firms, free speech...
View ArticleThis Armrest Could Cure One Of Air Travel's Greatest Woes
You know how it goes. You've settled into your oh-so-narrow economy seat, ready to embark on your journey to wherever it is you're going. Your seatmate approaches, stows his or her carry-on luggage in...
View ArticleKorean 'Strangers' On A Train Transform Phone Conversations Into Beautiful A...
It's easy to stare down at a phone in isolation during morning commutes, but what if those interactions could be turned into something beautiful? Project SH is an art collective where various artists...
View ArticleMicrosoft Scrambles to Release new Win 8.1 Update and Battles IE Security Flaw
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. It seems that's become the Boys from Redmond's motto as they prepare to roll out yet another update for Windows 8. This will be the second major update...
View ArticleHow About That Booty Call On LinkedIn?
A recent YourDailySuccessTip.com tip reminded readers LinkedIn is NOT Facebook. Replies flooded our inbox with one subscriber commenting, Thank you! Lately, I've seen a lot of LinkedIn updates that are...
View ArticleThe End of Your Relationship May Already Be in Your Pocket
I've always been a fan of dating apps. Being on Grindr, Scruff or whatever the latest installment is called, gives gay men a sense of belonging. It's nice to see that there are so many others out...
View ArticleHow A Plucky Piglet Named Leon Trotsky Got A Second Chance At Life With A Set...
For little Leon Trotsky the pig, an unfortunate accident turned out to be a life-saver. The 3-week-old piglet was born on a pig farm and destined to become somebody's dinner until his injured mother...
View Article5 Reasons to Become an Entrepreneur
I was recently a speaker at an event in Kansas City, sponsored by U.S. SourceLink, America's largest resource network for entrepreneurs. Acknowledging the national importance of entrepreneurship to...
View ArticleFrom WunWun to Postmates, Can You Order Happiness On Demand?
DVRs, video-on-demand services, prostitutes, infomercials and fast food companies -- what do these things have in common? They have mastered the art and science of manifesting desire and delivering...
View ArticleDefense Against Offense: The Reality of 'Trolling' and its Impact
It's an oft-repeated adage of Internet usage that you're not supposed to take anything seriously. When someone says something inflammatory, you're to chock it up to the violent privilege of anonymity...
View Article15 Instagram Accounts To Follow If You Want To Be Jealous Of Aussies
Life is better in Australia. It just is. And if you want to be reminded of that little fact on a daily basis, it's as easy as following these Instagram accounts. Whether your planning a trip to Oz and...
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